ER Doc Advisor - Financial Planning & Taxes for Emergency Physicians

EP 230: The Shrinking IRS: What It Means for Your Taxes

Big changes are happening at the IRS—thousands of employees are being laid off, and that could mean longer wait times, delayed refunds, and even fewer audits… for now. But does this mean you’re in the clear to take more risks on your taxes?

On today’s episode, we’re diving into what these IRS cuts really mean for you, how to stay out of trouble, and why playing it smart now could save you from a nightmare audit years down the road. Let’s talk all things IRS and how to keep your taxes stress-free.

Topics Discussed:   

  • The most likely outcome of the current IRS cuts.
  • What the current administration is probably aiming for with the staffing changes.
  • How to keep yourself in the clear and stay off the IRS’ radar.
  • How getting in touch with the IRS may change.
  • The importance of being as accurate as possible—especially if you are getting a refund.
  • What to do if you have a large refund.
  • How to think about deductions before taking them.

Resources Mentioned:


IRS changes, IRS staffing, IRS layoffs, tax changes, IRS cuts, staff reduction, audits, financial planning, emergency medicine, ER doc, ER doctor,