ER Doc Advisor - Financial Planning & Taxes for Emergency Physicians

EP 227: The Capital Gains Playbook: Minimize Taxes, Maximize Wealth

Whether you're selling stocks, real estate, or a business, capital gains taxes can take a huge bite out of your profits. But here's the good news—you have control over when and how you sell assets, and with the right strategies, you can significantly reduce your tax bill.

From understanding short-term vs. long-term capital gains rates, to tax-loss harvesting, tax-gain harvesting, donor-advised funds, and Qualified Opportunity Zones—this episode is packed with the insights you need to keep more of what you earn.

Topics Discussed:   

  • Common mistakes people make that result in overpaying taxes.
  • What long-term capital gains rates are.
  • What tax loss harvesting is and where it is useful.
  • How to stay out of long-term capital gains tax brackets.
  • Opportunities that could help you make use of appreciating shares at better tax brackets.
  • How to get a higher deduction while avoiding capital gains.
  • What a qualified opportunity fund is and how it works.
  • Options to explore if you need funds but don't want to pull out investments.

Resources Mentioned:


capital gains, long term investments, short term investments, tax strategy, long term capital gains, reducing your tax bill, financial planning, emergency medicine, ER doc, ER doctor,