ER Doc Advisor - Financial Planning & Taxes for Emergency Physicians

EP 226: Maxing Your 401(k) Out Early in the Year? Why That Could Be an $800K Mistake

Think you’re getting your full 401(k) employer match? You may need to think again. Even if you max out your contributions every year, the way you elect to defer your paycheck could be quietly costing you thousands in free money.

In this episode, we break down the hidden flaw in many employer match structures, why high earners—like ER doctors—are especially at risk, and how a simple adjustment could mean an extra $800,000+ in retirement savings over your career.

Topics Discussed:   

  • Reasons to hold off and be patient when filing your return.
  • Why there’s more to the employer match than meets the eye.
  • Understanding when maxing out is the best plan—and where it may be the wrong choice.
  • The difference in how employers “match” contributions and why you need to know about it.
  • How to find out what kind of matching offer your employer uses.
  • Why spreading out contributions may be the best option.
  • Things to be aware of when setting up deferrals.

Resources Mentioned:


401kemployer match, maxxing out 401k, employer matching, 401k matching, 401kmistakes, contributions, financial planning, emergency medicine, ER doc, ER doctor,