ER Doc Advisor - Financial Planning & Taxes for Emergency Physicians

EP 223: The Largest Expense of Your Lifetime: Unpacking Hidden Taxes for ER Docs

When it comes to taxes, income tax often takes center stage in our minds. But for high-income earners, like ER doctors, the tax landscape is much broader and more complex.

Beyond federal and state income taxes, there are hidden and often overlooked taxes that can quietly accumulate into a substantial burden. Let’s dive into how you can take control of your tax strategy and maximize your wealth.

Topics Discussed:   

  • The common overlap in tax and financial taxes early in a new year.
  • The different kinds of taxes that you pay.
  • How to optimize your purchases and save on sales tax.
  • Luxury taxes that you may not notice—and how to counteract these costs.
  • The importance of how you report business expenses.
  • What you need to know about investment related taxes.
  • A look at the typical total tax impact for an ER doc.
  • When to start putting a strategy in motion to reduce your tax liabilities.

Resources Mentioned:


tax savings, tax decisions, tax strategy, tax bill, tax season, taxes, tax minimizing strategies, financial planning, emergency medicine, ER doc, ER doctor,