ER Doc Advisor - Financial Planning & Taxes for Emergency Physicians

EP 213: Roth vs. Traditional: The ER Doc's Guide to Tax-Optimized Retirement

In this episode, we explore the Roth vs. Traditional retirement account decision specifically for ER docs. With high income, fluctuating tax brackets, and the potential for major tax changes in the future, choosing the right account can significantly impact your long-term financial strategy.

We break down the pros and cons of each account type, discuss how to leverage tax planning opportunities during your career and retirement, and help you navigate the complexities of saving for the future while balancing the unique financial challenges of being an ER doctor.

Topics Discussed:   

  • The many types of accounts that you can use and how they differ.
  • Why it’s difficult to say for sure which account will help you end up with the most money.
  • The different scenarios you need to consider when deciding where to put your money.
  • What we can expect for our finances based on current and historical tax rates.
  • Our thoughts on maxing out pre-tax accounts and other considerations.

Resources Mentioned:


Roth IRA,Traditional retirement account, retirement savings, retirement investments, taxrates, tax percentages, tax brackets, financial planning, emergency medicine, ER doc, ER doctor,