ER Doc Advisor - Financial Planning & Taxes for Emergency Physicians

EP 160: The Top Questions We Get – Part 1

The financial world is vast and complex. There are a lot of players and services to understand and figure out. When it comes to ER docs, our experience is they are naturally inquisitive – they like to do their due diligence by asking questions and getting to the bottom of things.

On today’s episode, we’ll recap and respond to the top questions we recently received from a group of 75 ER doctors.


Topics Discussed:   
  • What we do regularly for ER docs when it comes to financial planning and management.
  • One thing that many people want the most—and how we handle it.
  • How our service costs are structured and what to expect when working with us.
  • The different kinds of financial planning.
  • What a fiduciary is and how we go about recommending certain products or investments.
  • The number one question you need to ask before even starting a conversation.
  • Retirement plan options and how we help ER docs navigate them.

Resources Mentioned:


Q&A, financial questions, ER doctors, ER docs, emergency doctor, financial planning, financial plan,